04 March 2007

Pottery by candle light

Last Wednesday, the light was cut off for almost our entire pottery class (it came back 15 minutes before the end). Needless to say, we could not throw any pots (on the electric wheels), so we had to be creative.

Mercredi dernier, il y a eu une panne d'électricité qui a duré presque toute la totalité de notre cours de poterie (la lumière est revenue 15 minutes avant la fin du cours). Inutile de vous dire que nous n'avons pas pu utiliser le tour (électique) alors nous avons dû être créatifs.

This photo is courtesy of C.S.


Leili said...

I love Michal. And all the people with her in the room.

Unknown said...

Hi Natasha! Pls say hi from me to Michal, hope she remembers me. I wish we had the same class here in Yakutsk. and pls say my love to Tricia! I miss all of you guys and love you all.
