29 November 2006

Okay, go!

Another YouTube post so soon? Yes, but it's really worth it!

It's been a while since I first saw this, but that time has only served to lead me to the conclusion that this is pretty much the Best Thing Out There. It hits the right spot.

They are called OK Go. Yes, they are real (in case you don't know that yet or you're not quite convinced). And here they go: And there's more of their stuff on YouTube...

« Encore un clip de YouTube ? Déjà ! vous entends-je crier ?
--Effectivement, mais je vous jure que ça vaut la peine ! »

Ça fait quelques mois déjà depuis que j'ai vu ce clip pour la première fois, mais ce temps n'a fait que le confirmer pour moi : c'est carrément la meilleure chose qui se trouve sur Internet ! Ça marrant, tout simplement.

Ce groupe s'appelle « OK Go » (« Ça y est, vas-y ! »), et c'est du vrai ! (au cas où vous le sauriez pas déjà et même si cela semble peu probable à première vue). Ils ont d'autres clips sur YouTube, et leur site Web est ici.

28 November 2006

Does nobody really do it better?

It's been a long time since I wrote anything, and I had promised more from YouTube imminently, without ever actually following up on that promise. And yet, I have something I wish to share.

I recently watched the latest James Bond film, which I enjoyed very much, especially as it reflects the atmosphere and the Bond of the novels--books which I came to appreciate many years ago--much better than any of the recent (post 1960s) films... After all, very early on the films took a quite different course, and it seems Bond has finally come home to roost, so to speak.

But whatever you think of the films, or the books, even if it is in fact, Not Much At All, this post is really about the music. And, more specifically the theme tune of The Spy Who Loved Me, Carly Simon's "Nobody Does It Better". A song I've enojoyed listening to ever since buying the James Bond 30th anniversary cassette (yes, *cassette*: I didn't yet have a CD player back then). And then I found this little number on YouTube:

Now, what do you think to that, our kid?


18 November 2006


My mum is visiting us at the moment. It is great having her here! I love it that she can be part of the everyday live here for a few weeks. She is volunteering in different ways at the Baha'i World Centre during the day.

This week-end we rented a car... F.R.E.E.D.O.M!!! For the occasion, we went to Netanya to see if the tourist guide and the programme my mum had seen on TV is France were right (Netanya is the French rivieira of Israel). Well, I don't know about the rivieira thing, but it's true that many signs and ads are in French and that you could go by with speaking French to some waiters in some restaurants. We spent some time on the beach, watching the time go by. It was great.

After Netanya we decided to go to Herzliya, because we could(we had a car). We had a delicious hot chocolate at the Chocolate Bar, rested for a while before heading back to Haifa.

The next day, we decided to go to the Sea of Galilee (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sea_of_Galilee)and thus to Tiberias.

08 November 2006

We've moved

...from the pottery workshop back to Rachel's place. The workshop used to be at Rachel's place (the owner of the no-longer-extisting-Castra-mall-pottery-workshop) before they moved to the Castra mall and now we are back to the original place. Last week, we did not have pottery because they were not done with moving all the material but tonight we were able to go again. I think all of us from our group prefer this "new" workshop to the other one as there is more space for everybody. The only down side of this move is that it is a bit further than the Castra mall and also, there is no public transport, but that's alright for now as other potters from our group are kind enough to give us rides.

More space

More clay

The wheels

More space for to wedge the clay

Bright colours, I like that!


Special request - my turn to be in denial

05 November 2006

Storytelling and drums

A few days ago, we had some dear friends here telling us about storytelling. They pointed out the importance of drumming in storytelling in Africa and this is how the evening ended!