02 September 2006

Ramat Hatishbi on Shabbat

Sitting here at 10.30 a.m. today, idling away another quiet Shabbat morning, I thought I'd show you our tranquil, leafy neighbourhood - Ramat Hatishbi (which, a little scarily, gets a brief mention -here- on Wikipedia). We live at the bottom end of Rekhov Shunamit (Shunamit Street), and from our living room window you can see, opposite and a little to the left, the end of Rekhov Ovadia (Obadiah Street). Shunamit is one-way down, while Ovadia is one-way up, and the bus stops just outside our flat on its way round the loop.

Note the general leafy greenness, and the clear blue sky. Although there's no-one out there right now, if you swap Sunday for Saturday, you'll be unsurprised to hear that one of the popular Shabbat pastimes is...car washing.

As you look down Shunamit to the right, past and over the appartment blocks -- these ones managing to display enough evidence of creativity on the part of the architect to escape the usual accusation levelled at many local residential builings of being 'functional' in appearance -- the line of deep blue that you can see stretching across the bottom of the sky is the Mediterranean Sea.

We actually swam in the Israeli part of the Med for the first time last Shabbat (See previous post). I know, it took us six months to actually get into the water! - but in our defence, it is often full of jellyfish, and last weekend was confirmed Jellyfish-free on Haifa's Carmel Beach (Hof HaCarmel), which is more-or-less the section of sea you're looking at, south-west of the city.

So, that's our little corner of Ramat Hatishbi.

1 comment:

Meral said...

thanks for sharing your corner of the world with us :)