12 August 2006

Sushi Day

What to do when it is the weekend but you can't really go outside and enjoy the day? Prepare tons of sushi (well almost)!

This is my second attempt and John's first. We both thought it was a success, although we made way too many. We had them for lunch and will probably also have them for dinner (or tea, as the British might also say).

We think we're probably experts on sushi now (yeah, right!) and could make some next time we have to contribute to a potluk or something.

Alors, que faire lorsque c’est le week-end mais que tu peux pas vraiment sortir et profiter de la journée ?! Préparer des tonnes de sushi…enfin presque.

C’était ma seconde tentative et John sa première. On pense tous les deux que c’était une réussite, même si on en a préparé beaucoup trop. On en a eu pour le déjeuner et on en aura probablement aussi pour le dîner.

On pense qu’on est probablement devenu des experts en sushi (que dire !) et qu’on pourrait en préparer la prochaine fois qu’on doit aller à un potluk.

The ingredients

Burning the seaweed and following the recipe

The rice

Almost there

Rolling like a river

Once you've started, you can't stop! They grow naturally.


ps: we did have them for tea - on les a effectivement eu pour le diner aussi...


Seebz said...

"Burning the sea weed"? why? I never knew that step.
all of it looks really yum especially when I'm looking at it at a time when my stomach talks in a language I dont undrstand - hunger. I dont take any credit for its abilities. Its on its own.

Natascha said...

I have no idea why we had to do that (burning the sea weed)...I guess we just followed the recipe without really questioning it!