10 August 2006

6 Months already! - 6 mois déjà !

It is amazing how time flies when you are enjoying where you are, who you are there with and what you are doing. We arrived in Haifa exactly 6 months ago today. I remember we were picked up at the airport by our friend A. (from sweet home Alabama) along with R. who came from Argentina and R. who came from Germany-USA. We were so excited to get to Haifa and we just couldn’t believe that we were actually going to live in Haifa for a few years and being able to be volunteer at the Bahá’í World Centre.

Adapting to life here went more or less smoothly having had the occasion to live here for 3 weeks in summer 2005. Adapting to our positions was a bit more challenging – but in a GOOD way!

So here we are now. Not quite in the same peaceful country as we used to be 6 months ago given the current situation but still enjoying life (differently) and willing to stay here until the end of our volunteer service!

C’est incroyable comme le temps passe vite lorsque tu aimes un endroit ou tu es, avec qui tu y es et ce que tu y fais. Nous sommes arrivés à Haifa il y a 6 mois aujourd’hui. Je me rappelle, A. notre amie de l’Alabama est venue nous chercher, nous et R. de l’Argentine et R. de l’Allemagne-Etats-Unis. Nous étions tellement excités d’arriver Haifa et on avait du mal à réaliser qu on allait vivre à Haifa pour quelques années et qu’on allait pouvoir faire du volontariat au Centre Mondial Bahá’í.

S’adapter à la vie ici c’est fait plus ou moins sans encombre puisqu’on avait eu la chance de vivre ici pendant 3 semaines pendant l’été 2005. S’adapter à nos boulots etait un peu plus un challenge mais dans le bon sens du terme !

Donc, nous y voilà, pas tout à fait dans le même pays « calme » d’il y a 6 mois vu la situation actuelle mais toujours motivés à rester ici jusqu’à la fin de notre période de volontariat !

our orientation group (Feb. 2006)

1 comment:

rox said...

YAY! i remember that day when i was shoved in the back of the van and packed in with the luggage while i dozed in and out of consciousness...though perhaps the luggage overflow was in part due to my massive entourage of bags accompanying me on my trip here.
so glad we were all airport buddies together...who knew 6 months from then we'd be dealing with sirens and rockets!?!?!